b. Changes in Organisation -
(1) 8 April 1945, reld fr atchmt 190th FA Op and atchd to 3rd TD Gp, per VOCG, V Corps.

(2) 27 April 1945, reid fr atchmt to 3rd TD Gp, V Corps and atchd to 174th FA Gp, VII Corps, per VOCG, First U.S. Army.



            Major ROMIG, Bn S-3 made an inspection tour of batteries to check on maintenance work being done in the unit. He also attended a meeting at 190th FA Gp Hq in reference to a move to Neustadt, Germany. 1st Lt. GLASSER and Cpl John Harrower, Btry A, and 1st Sgt. Leslie F. Kimble, Sv. Btry, returned from 7 day furlough in England.  Pfc Frank Walker, Btry A, and Cpl Archie Smith, Hq Btry, abs sk in hospital, were dropped from asgmt.


            Major PERHAM, Btry Commanders and their parties left battalion area for reconnaissence of positions in Neustadt, Germany.  The balance of the battalion was treated to a visit by a Red Cross Cubmobile. These visits by the Red Cross girls were always welcomed by each and every member of the unit. "A Song to Remember" was shown at Bn Hq for personnel of the battalion. Thirteen vehicles and drivers from the 656th FA Bn were attached to the battalion for the purpose of aiding the battalion in its proposed move.


            The battalion moved early on this date by light and heavy column, arriving in the area at Neustadt, Germany, at 1730 hours. The march was made through newly captured territory and many truck loads of German prisoners were soon enroute. All personnel was well housed in the new Area.  Lt Col MORAWETZ, Bn CO, returned from TD in London and assumed command of the battalion.


The regular new area inspection was made by Major PERHAM and all positions were found to be very satisfactory.  A program of vehicular maintenance was being carried out in this rendezvous area.


Captain LANDES, Captain DAVIS, and 14 men from the battalion returned from TD with V Corps Qn. The battalion commander and reconnaissance parties proceeded to Kassel, Geruisny, to reconnoiter installations of the city with the possibility of taking over Security Guard and police details. Several Medical Officers and nurses from the 45th Evacuation Hospital visited the Bn CP. This visit developed into a party with entertainment and music furnished by Lt FISHBACK, pPc  Gonzales and Pvt Mayer, all from Btry A.  In Hq Btry, Cpl Robert C. Wheeler and Tec 5 Cecil Kruse were promoted to grade of Tec 4 and Tec 5 George J. Borkovic and Pfc Fredreick J. Seatko were promoted to the grade of Cpl.  Pfc John W. Luna was promoted to the grade of Tec 5.


            Lt Col MORAWETZ called a meeting of the Btry Commanders to discuss the move to Kassel on the following morning.  Captains COON and WILSON and their driver, Tec 5 Kimer Reisch, returned from TD with the 391st Bomber Gp in Paris.  Pfc John C. Woods, Hq Btry, Pfc Raymond Clark, Btry A, Cpl Jack Battle, Btry B, Pvt James E. Shirley and T/Sgt Walter B Warren, Sv. Btry, left for 7 day to England.


            Early on this morning Lt Col MORAWETZ and party left for Kassel to arrange for quarters and prepare for the arrival of the battalion. Bn moved out at 1200 hours and closed in Kassel at 1830 hours immediately taking over the guarding of  important municipal installations. CWO LEONARD A. MASSOTH, Bn Personell Adj. and T/Sgt Lawrence D. Daylor, Bn Mtr Sergeant, togeather with a EM from Hq Btry departed for 3 day passes in Paris.


            Brigadier General HELMICK, Cg, V Corps Arty, visited the Bn CO at the CP. In addition to guarding major insgtallations in Kassel, road blocks were set up at all points of entry into the city for the control of the migration of displaced persons and in an attempt to apprehend enemy soldiers known to still be in the city.  1st Lt. OBLANDER and 2nd Lt. CHADWICK, both from Btry B, were sent on TD with the 9th Armd Div.  Pvt David H. Harrington, Btry C, abs sk in hospital, was dropped from asgmt this date.  Battalion was relieved from attachment to 190th FA Gp and attached to 3rd TD Gp per VOCG, V Corps.


            Lt Ccl MORAWETZ, Major ROMIG end Lt TAUTGES made an inspection tour of all the batteries, road blocks and installations being guarded by the unit.  Several officers from SHEAF vidited the battalion to check on the value of the installations being guarded by the battalion.  Major WARNER, Ex O 941st FA Bn, and party visited Bn CP to discuss relieving our organisation from the security guard in Kassel. Relief from these duties begun late this evening.  Five men who were on TD with the 17th Signal Operation Bn were returned to the battalion.


            Lt. Col MORAWETZ and party left for Gottenen, Germany, to select new positions for the battalion.  The Unit moved from Kassel at 1400 hours closing in the new area at 1930 hours.  Battery Commanders were instructed in regard to guard duties and were assigned posts for which their several organizations would be responsible.  Important posts were taken over 30 minutes after the arrival of the battalion.


            Captain DICKEY, Asst Bn S-3, established road blocks to be manned by battalion personnel.  The rail yards and airport at Gettingen were also placed under the battalion's supervision.  The entire battalion was occupied in setting up and manning the numerous guard posts throughout the city.


            Major W.W.  PERHAM, Bn Ex O, and a member of the Bn Staft since the organization of the unit in 1943, was relieved from duty and assigned on this date pending his departure for duty with the Military Goverrment. Major ROMIG was assigned as Bn Ex O and Captain WILSON was assigned Bn S-3. Plc Ernest J. Martinez, Btry C, abs sk in hospital was dropped from asgmt. Captain SEIBERT, CO Btry C,  and his driver Tec 5 Vincent R. Touravich, after 30 days TD with V Covp. as Liaison Officer between V and VIII Corps, returned to duty with the battalion, Captain LANDES, CO Btry A, was relieved from duty and assignment with that orgn and asgd to Bn Staff as Bn S-2. 1st Lt RONALD M. FISHBACK was asgd CO of Btry A.


            Major PERHAM departed to take over his new assigniment with the Military Government. Memorandum from 3rd TD Op instructed the Bn CO to dispatch one firing battery to position near Lossa, Germany, with probable missions of firing on targets in the city of Laipsig, Battery B was selected for this detail. On this date Bronse Star Medals were awarded to Captain GEORGE L. WILSON, Bn S-3, NATHAN LANDES, Bn S-2, KENNETH V. COON, CO Btry B, FRED E. SEIBERT, JR., CO Btry C, S/Sgt Earl W. Morton, Med Det, and Sgt Floyd Roberts, Btry A, for meritorious service per GO #39, Hq V Corps, dtd 8 April 1945.


            Btry B departed at 0630 hours for Lossa, Germany, to standby for probable firing. Remainder of the battalion was still guarding installations in the city at Gottengen. Intelligence officers from all branches of the service were visiting the Bn CP during this period and the information disclosed by them and the personal experiences they related were very interesting. CWO MASSOTH, M/Sgt Daylor and 3 EM from Hq Btry returned from Paris where they had enjoyed a three day recreation pass.


            Several Medical Officers and Nurses from the 103rd and 47th Evacuation Hospitals were guests of the battalion officers at a party and dance at the hotel occupied by battalion headquarters.  Lt Col HAYNES, CO 172nd FA Bn, visited the CP to discuss his unit's taking over the Security Guard which our battalion was handling at this time. Btry B, was detached from the battalion and attached to the 200th FA Bn on this date per VOCG, V Corps.


            Personnel of the 172nd FA Bn began relieving our battalion at the several guard posts throughout the city.  Preparations were made for a proposed move. The entire battalion was set up so well in regard to living quarters in this position that they were very reluctant begin moving and extremely apprehensive in regard to what the next setup might be like.  Captain BADGER, Chaplain from the 639th AAA, held Protestant services at the Bn CP.


            The battalion was completely relieved of its MQSG in Gottingen and was ready to move on the following morning. German prisoners of war were being picked up in Gottingen and several occasions Nazi war crimnals were apprehended.


            The battalion moved by single column passing the IP at 0630 hours. Lt. Col. MORAWETZ and parties left the column at the city limits of Gottingen and proceeded to the new area at Groitzseh to reconnoiter for billets for the several batteries. This move entailed a march of approximately 150 miles. This was a rendezvous position and it was not contemplated that we would occupy it for very long. Btry B was relieved from attachment to 2OOth FA Bn and attached to 69th Inf Div per VOCG, V Corps.


            With the rapid advance of all troops, the supply section of the battalion was having to make increasingly longer hauls to keep the battalion supplied with rations. Cpls Alvin B Van Dusen and Frank Augustine, of the Bn Supply Section, were alternating on the ration detail and at this point it was necessary for them to make a 250 mile round trip daily to secure rations for the unit. Lt. Col MORAWETZ and Captain WILSON made a reconnaissance trip into the area south and east of Leipzig for the purpose of selecting possible firing positions. Captain CHARLES D. VUNCK, CO Hq Btry, was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious service par GO #41, Hq V Corps, dtd 15 April 1945.


            Captain COON, CO Btry B which was attached to 69th Inf Div and firing on targets in the city of Leipzig, was a visitor at the Div Cp and reported some very effective firing by his organization. 1st Lt. ARTHUR TEMPLE, was relieved from duty and assigment as Mtr O in Btry C and asgd to Btry A. Pvt Harry M. Adkisson, Btry C, was promoted to the grade of Tec 4. Btry B was detached from the 69th Inf Div and again attached to the 200th FA Bn. At a Service Battery formation, Captain JEPTHA S. DAVIS, Bn Mtr O and M/Sgt Lawrence D. Daylor, Bn Mtr Sergeant, and S/Sgt Ira T. Swihart, Bn Ammunition NCO, were presented the Bronze Star Medals.


            Captain WILSON and Lt. Col. MORAWETZ, left for 190th FA Gp Headquarters in Leipzig to secure additional information on our move and to select areas and billets for the battalion in this city. The battalion moved from Groitzach at 1430 hours and all elements had closed in the new area at 1830 hours. Our mission in Leipzig was to assist in the policing of this city. A Battery Commanders meeting was held at Bn Hq for the purpose of outlining vatious duties assigned to the battalion.


            The battalion was busy with the activities of taking over the Security Guard details which it had been assigned. Each battery was busy getting their helmets painted with the red and white colors of the Leipzig Police detail. Captain LANDES, Bn S-2, set up an interrogation board for the purpose of questioning curfew violators who had been apprehended in our area. Violators who were unable to give legitimate reasons for being out after curfew were confined in a Service Battery enclosure which was under the supervision of "Warden" Captain JEPTHA S. DAVIS, JR.  All violators were released the following morning.


            The battalion was occupied for the most part with ite usual police duties. Several riots and minor disturbances among the civilian populace were quelled and many German soldiers in civilian clothes were being picked up daily.  In Hq Btry Pfc Harry House was promoted to the grade of Cpl and Plc Erman W. Jones was promoted to the grade of Tec 5.  Tec 5 Johnie Winsor and Pfc Clarence Frerichs,  both of Btry A, who were abs sk in hospital, were dropped from asgmt.


            Btry B was relieved from attachment to 69th Inf Div and march ordered in preparation for a change of station. Captain COON arrived at the CP to report his battery's activities during their absence from the battalion.  Orders were received from higher headquarters that 190th FA Bn would relieve our battalion of its Security Guard duties in the city of Leipzig. Cpl Joseph S. Flood, Clerk from Btry B, returned from his battery to DS with the Personnel Section in Service Battery.


            Lt. Col. MORAWETZ and reconnaissance parties left for VIII Corps Arty Hq where they were referred to 174th FA Gp, to which our battalion was to be attached. Positions were selected in the vicinity of Mulsen St. Jacobs.  The 190th FA Bn began arriving in our area preparatory to relieving us of our guard duties. On this date 57 curfew violators were guests of the battalion in the Sv Btry enclosure. They were turned over to high headquarters the following morning. S/Sgt Narciso Cardenas, Former member of Btry B and Pfc Carlton Price former member of Hq Btry, both who had been abs in hospital, were reassigned to the battalion from 3rd Repl Depot.


            The battalion received orders to move early the following morring. The 190th FA Bn completed the relieving of our unit of its guard details and Baker Btry returned to the battalion from attachment to the 69th Inf Div.  After almost a month of no firing in which the battalion was occupied in the policing the several towns in which they had been located, everyone looked forward to again occupying firing positions on the following day.


            The battalion moved out by light and heavy column at 0730 hours. This was a march of approximately 60 miles and the final elements closed in the new area, Mulsen St. Jacobs, at 1210 hours.  Positions were immediately prepared for firing and all batteries reported ready to fire at 1410 hours. S/Sgt Harold E. Fischer, Pfc James C. Pateley and Pvt Norman E. Beck, all of Btry C, were slightly injured while repairing an equilibrator on one of their howitwers in an attempt to prepare it for action. After having been attached to V Corps since landing on the beach in Normandy, in June 1944, the batta1ion was relieved from said attachment and attached to VIII Corps being then further attached to 174th FA Gp, under the comuand of Colonel WALTER R. HENSEY, JR.  Pvts Herbert B. Murray and Buck S. Tyler, Btry A, abs sk in hospital, were dropped from asgmt.


            A Red Cross Clubmobile from VIII Corps Hq served coffee and doughnuts to the battalion, the first it had received in many weeks. One of the girls, Betty Henry, received much attention from our many Kansas boys when they learned that she was from Morrison, Kansas. She remarked that it was the first outfit she had been seen with so many boys from her native state. Colonel HENSEY, our new Gp CO, accompanied by Lt. Col. MORAWETZ, made an inspection tour of all batteries.


            Protestant services were held at the Bn CP at 1100 hours and Catholic services at 1530 hours. In the evening the movie "Keys to the Kingdom" was shown at the Bn Headquarters for battalion personnel. Major PHILLIPS, from the VIII Corps Arty S-3 Section, and party made an inspection of battalion installations. Tec 5 Hilton H. Hobby, former member of Btry C, was reassigned from 3rd Repl Depot and joined his old organization.


            Major DUNN, Gp EX O, was a battalion visitor to discuss the Gp SOP with the battalion commander. Another CP was established by Btry A near Bernsdorf to be manned 24 hours a day.  Captain LOUIS A. BREFFEILH, Bn Surgeon, went to VIII Corps Headquarters to confer with the Corps Surgeon.

h. Members distinguishing themselves in action