Our favorite photos
We love to travel. These are some of the pictures that we have taken on our travels. Most were taken by Al and a few were taken by Charlotte. We had fun visiting these places. We hope you enjoy them and hope that they encourage you to travel as we have.
Family Pictures
Al's parents at Tampa Bay, Florida
Al's parents in Key West, Florida
Charlotte's son, Tim, and his lady friend Tracy
Our grandson, Andrew Smith, at age 6
Andrew and his sister, Courtney
Our granddaughter, Courtney Smith, at age 2 1/2
Another picture of Courtney
Andrew with a friend at Andrew's 6th birthday party.
Cheryl (our daughter) and Steve with Courtney. On a nature walk
near their home in Bellevue, Nebraska
Al and Charlotte on our lot at Hot Springs Village in Arkansas
Al with Charlotte's brother Gene at his home in Hot Springs Village,
Charlotte at Gene's home.
Our daughter Lisa at Hot Springs Village
Future Attraction
Future Attraction
Just Plain Good Photos
Our crab apple tree in full bloom.
Sunset at Rend Lake in Southern Illinois.
Deer along a nature trail near Bellevue, Nebraska