Microsoft Assembler Instructions

Type your assembler source program onto a floppy disk.  The extension of your source program must be .asm.  Put your floppy disk into the A: drive.
  1. Bring up a DOS prompt (Start - Programs - DOS prompt)
  2. Change your drive to A:
  3. Enter the command "masm filename.asm"
  4. You will get the prompt: "Object filename [filename.OBJ]:" -- Simply type "enter"
  5. You will then get the prompt "Source listing [NUL.LST]: -- You should enter "filename.LST".  This will give you a listing of your program along with other information.  This information will include error messages if your program has errors.  This file may be viewed using Notepad.
  6. The next prompt you will receive is "Cross-reference [NULL.CRF]: -- again simply type "enter"
  7. If you get "0 Warning Errors" and "0 Severe Errors" your are ready to link.  Otherwise view "filename.LST" to determine your errors then correct them using Notepad.
  8. To link your program, enter the command "link filename.OBJ".
  9. You will get the prompt "Run File [filename.EXE].  -- type "enter"
  10. For the prompt "List File [NUL.MAP]:" -- You should enter "filename.MAP".  This file may be view with Notepad.
  11. For the prompt "Libraries [.LIB]:" -- type "enter"
  12. If all has gone well up to this point you may execute your program by typing the command "filename".  Your program should do exactly what you programmed the computer to do.  If not, find your error and correct.
For all programs, once you have gotten your program to execute properly, turn in your program by e-mailing the source file (.asm) and the executable file (.exe) to your instructor at  The subject of this message must be "CSC303 -- project name".  The return address must be an e-mail address that you check regularly.  The "from" should be your name.