Second Day in Shanghai

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Large Silk Rug, Silk Rug Factory
Large Silk Rug at the Rug Factory in Shanghai
This Rug, about 8 feet long,  took a weaver two or three years to complete.

Rug Weaving, Silk Rug Factory
Silk Rug Weaver
Girls sit for hours at a time weaving the silk into fine rugs.  It takes a weaver a two or three weeks to complete a small rug of basic quality.  However, it takes an expert weaver two or more years to complete a large rug of high quality.

Jade Budda Temple
Attendant for Budda
In the Jade Budda Temple this is an example of the attendant statues for Budda.  Their leg is raised because, according to the legion Budda asked them to raise their legs but forgot to tell them they could put them down.
Downtown Shanghai from Peoples Square
Downtown Shanghai
This view of downtown Shanghai is from the Peoples Square.  Peoples Square is a very active park in the middle of Shanghai.  It is very clean and shows a great deal of care.
Shanghai Museum
Shanghai Museum
The Shanghai Museum, located in the Peoples Square, is adorned in front by a number of statues of large eagles, lions, and mythical animals.

Recling Jade Budda, Jade Budda Temple
Reclining Jade Budda
In the Jade Budda Temple, this is an example of a Jade Budda.  The Buddas can be laughing, reclining, or take on other aspects.  As this photo shows, the Temple is very ornate and contains priceless relics.

Older Apartment Buildings in Shanghai
Apartment Buildings in Shanghai
This is a typical older apartment building in Shanghai.  There are also a large number of new apartment buildings in Shanghai.  Since China "opened up" people are expected to purchase their apartments instead of having them provided for them by the government.  This gives them more freedom of choice, but also more responsibilities.